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2024 01.26

今回は、ワンコインでお釣りがくる😲! 朝食3種類をご紹介します♬


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今回は、ワンコインでお釣りがくる😲! 朝食3種類をご紹介します♬





皆さんのお気に入りの朝食はなんですか🥢? ぜひコメントで教えてください☝️




Have you ever tried our breakfast meals? 🍳

Our delicious breakfast sets cost no more than 500 yen! 😲

Let me introduce you to three of our sets ♬

As with all of our set menus, you can have as many refills of rice and soup with our breakfast sets for free 😋🍚

You can choose to eat your side dishes and rice separately like a normal meal, or add some pickles and pour some dashi broth on it to enjoy it as an ochazuke (rice with tea).

We hope that you'll find your own favorite way of eating our breakfast meals ♬

What's your favorite breakfast meal? 🥢

Do let us know in the comments ☝️

*Not available in some locations.