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  3. 皆さん、お子様連れでやよい軒に行ったことはありますか🤗?


2024 03.26



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やよい軒では、 ポテトやハンバーグなど子供に人気のおかずで満足度の高い"お子様ランチ"と低アレルゲンの"お子様カレー"をご用意しております♬


ご家族で外食する日はもちろん、食事の準備をする時間がないときに、 ぜひやよい軒の「お子様メニュー」を注文してみてくださいね😆



Who here has ever taken their kids to YAYOI KEN? 🤗

Here at YAYOI KEN, we offer two lunch meals for kids.

One featuring kids' favorites such as french fries and a hamburg steak, as well as the low-allergen curry meal ♬

Both meals come with a dessert, juice, and a toy for your child to play with ☝️

Why not order a kids’ meal on your day out with the family, or on days when you don't have the time to prepare a meal? 😆

Please note that this menu is limited to children age 7 and younger (not available in some locations).